Detectives assigned to the Firearms and Narcotics Investigations Division (FNID), arrested two Hungarians during an operation at the angster International Airport Montego Bay, St James on Wednesday, August 14.
Reports are that about 11:45 am, lawmSen conducted an operation at the airport— during routine checks, the two Hungarians were seen in the process of boarding a flight that was destined for Manchester, England.
Their suitcases which contained false compartments were checked and found with packages of cocaine.
Subsequently to the investigation, the men were taken to hospital and a total of 53 pellets of cocaine were expelled from their bodies. The illicit weighed approximately 2.73 kilograms.
Charged with possession of cocaine, dealing in cocaine and taking steps to export cocaine are Istavan Ozi and Andras Raffael, both car salesmen from Hungary.
The men are scheduled to appear in the St. James parish court on Friday, August 23.