Detectives from the Westmoreland Criminal Investigation Branch (CIB) are probing the murder of an elderly taxi operator who and the injuring of his wife during a home invasion in the parish on Thursday evening.
The deceased has been identified as 70-year-old Reynold Madden, who was of a Water Lane district, Georges Plain, Westmoreland address.
According to the Constabulary Communication Network (CCN), about 6:30 pm, the couple was at home when a lone gunman on a motorcycle came to the house and entered through the open front door.
The gunman subsequently entered the couple’s bedroom and open gunfire, hitting them both.
The shooter escaped in the area on the motorcycle.
The police were summoned to the scene and the injured couple was assisted to hospital, where Madden succumbed to his injuries, while his wife was admitted for treatment.
No motive has yet been established for the attack.