May Pen Hospital completes first ground-breaking Colon Cancer surgery

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

The May Pen Hospital (MPH) in Clarendon successfully performed its first laparoscopic colon cancer surgery (colectomy), signaling a new wave of cutting-edge surgeries at the MPH and other hospitals in southern Jamaica.

The surgery was completed in June.

Consultant General Surgeon at the hospital, Dr O’Rane Thomas explained that this is the first the procedure is being performed at the Type B hospital.

“It has been offered at the University Hospital of the West Indies, the Kingston Public and Mandeville Regional hospitals.

In general, this heralds a new wave of cutting-edge surgeries being offered throughout the Southern Regional Health Authority with Percy Junor Hospital offering robotics surgery and Mandeville Regional Hospital and Black River Hospital offering laparoscopic surgeries and May Pen Hospital now on board with more widespread laparoscopic surgeries.

We have offered other laparoscopic surgeries in the past including laparoscopic hernias and appendectomies” Dr Thomas said.

He further explained that the team offered the patient the option of doing laparoscopic or keyhole surgery.

“There are a number of advantages when compared to regular or conventional surgery for colon cancer. The conventional surgery involves making a large cut or large incision in the middle of the abdomen but with the laparoscopic surgery the advantages are you have less pain after surgery, it is a smaller incision so better cosmetic outcomes, quicker time to eat and you are back to your regular activity quicker than with regular surgery.

The general surgeon noted that the patient was pain free the day after the surgery which was done on June 24, 2024 and was able to move about and was discharged on the third day following the surgery.