Nineteen-year-old Tevin Gayle otherwise known as ‘Wacky Donn’ of Cooke Street, Savanna-La-Mar in Westmoreland has been charged with murder following the stabbing death of man that occurred on Friday, August 16.
Dead is 18-y-o Devontay Hutchinson otherwise known as ‘Bolt’.
Reports are that at about 11:30 pm, Hutchinson and Gayle were having a physical altercation arising from an earlier incident with a relative of Hutchinson during which Gayle ran away to escape injury.
Police reports claim Gayle later returned to attack Hutchinson, during which he inflicted stab wounds to his left side, right arm and right lower back, before escaping on foot in the area.
Lawmen were called to the scene after residents saw Gayle running from the scene. Hutchinson was assisted to the hospital where he was pronounced dead while undergoing treatment.
On Saturday, August 17, Gayle turned himself into the police in the presence of his attorney. He was subsequently charged on Tuesday, August 20 after a question and answer session.
A court date for him is being finalised.