PNP commits to logistics-based economy for provide better paying jobs

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

The Opposition People’s National Party (PNP) has outlined a vision for an economy that it says will benefit the majority and not a few.

A cornerstone of that economy is Jamaica becoming a global maritime and aviation logistics hub according to PNP President and Opposition Leader Mark Golding.

Golding outlined portions of his economic plan as he addressed the public session of the PNP’s annual conference at the National Arena on Sunday. 

“Jamaica must capitalise on our unique geographical position, adjacent to the Panama Canal and at the heart of international trade routes. We will build out clusters of logistics-related activities to increase quality, well-paying jobs and expand the economy, driving further investment in logistics-related industries. Our aim is to transform Jamaica into a premier trade and logistics hub, the gateway to the Americas and a cornerstone of growth in regional and hemispheric trade,” Golding said. He noted that this was started by the PNP but abandoned by the current Jamaica Labour Party Government.

Continuing, Golding said “We need to create a more balanced, resilient economy in an era of growing food insecurity. Look out for our transformation of agriculture and the blue economy to drive rural development. We must invest in farm roads, cold storage facilities, irrigation systems, deepening the use of technology, marketing support and expanded access to affordable loan finance for farmers.

“We will forge collaborative relationships with the large private sector players in poultry, agro-processing, milk and livestock production, to improve and increase their already significant contribution. We will partner with CASE and other research institutions to develop productivity-boosting projects, and improve planting stock, animal genetics and farming systems, animal husbandry and agronomy”.

The Opposition leader told the conference that if his party forms the next government, it will boost the country’s research facilities at Bodles, Orange River and Montpellier.

“Experts in each sector will provide the blueprint required by our farmers to grow the sector, to ensure food security for our nation,” he said.

He cited the creative sector as being critical to the pursuit of inclusive, sustainable economic growth, insisting that “the State must get behind this sector to assist it to reach its enormous economic potential for the people of Jamaica”.

According to Golding, the country faces two distinct economic choices.

“Jamaica under the current Government will continue down the path where only a few benefit, and most Jamaicans face hard times, frustration and hopelessness”.

He assured that the PNP is committed to macroeconomic stability and prudent fiscal management, to ensure debt sustainability.

“Never forget that the last PNP Administration did the heavy lifting to enable Jamaica to reduce its debt-to-GDP ratio by half in just 10 years. But while that is necessary, it is clearly not sufficient. Our national sacrifices and fiscal success must deliver real improvement in the lives of our people. Everybody must benefit. No one should be left behind,” he said.