62-y-o man and a woman allegedly ‘stoned man to death’ in Westmoreland Loop Jamaica

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The Westmoreland police have charged a man and a woman with murder following an incident in Line Lane, Hertford district in the parish on Sunday, May 12.

Charged are 62-year-old Royston Dennis, otherwise called ‘Shot’, and 24-year-old Sherika Dennis, otherwise called ‘Rika’, both of Hertford district.

They are charged with the murder of 38-year-old Alwayne Beckford, otherwise called ‘Sheng’, of the said community.

Reports from the Savanna-la-Mar police are that about 10pm, all three persons had a dispute, which became physical.

It is alleged that during the friction, Royton and Sherika started throwing stones at Beckford, who sustained multiple injuries to the head in the process.

The now deceased man collapsed and was subsequently assisted to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Roystan and Sherika were subsequently arrested and later charged after a question-and-answer session in the presence of their attorney.

Their court dates are being finalised.

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