Tips for keeping kids healthy this school year

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Loop Lifestyle

11 hrs ago

File photo shows an infant receiving a medical check-up at a health fair.

About 80 per cent of infectious diseases spread through touch, and classrooms are filled with high-touch surfaces like desks and shared supplies.

Young children often struggle with proper handwashing and tend to put their hands and other objects in their mouths, which can lead to a surge in illness at the start of the school year.

Here are some key tips to help keep your child healthy…

1 Teach kids proper cough and sneeze hygieneIt’s crucial to practice good cough and sneeze hygiene, as these viruses spread through respiratory droplets.

Encourage your children to turn away from others, cover their mouths and noses with a tissue or their sleeve, and wash their hands immediately afterward.

2 Remind children to respect personal space

In classrooms and play areas, children are in close contact with each other, increasing the risk of germ spread.

Remind your children to respect personal space and be mindful of proximity, especially when they’re coughing or sneezing.

3 Know when to keep sick children at homeIf your child has a fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, or feels too unwell to participate in school activities, they should stay home.

For minor symptoms like a cough or runny nose without a fever, they can attend school but should follow good hygiene practices, such as covering their cough.

Children can return to school when they are symptom-free for 24 hours without medication.

By following these simple guidelines, you can help reduce the spread of germs and keep your child healthier throughout the school year.

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