Poll: How do you prefer to gift money to children? Loop Jamaica

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Jamaica celebrates the significance of children by designating the entire month of May as Child Month.

It is said that children are a heritage and fruit of the womb and are deserving of essential tools for their holistic development.

Among these tools, financial education stands paramount, providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the intricate realm of money confidently and effectively.

Top of Form

When gifting money to children, what’s your preferred approach? Select the option that best suits you.

Gifting money to children

A lump sum gift on special occasions ( birthdays, holidays)

0% (0 votes)

Regular contributions to a long-term investment account

36% (4 votes)

Providing financial gifts as rewards for achieving milestones (good grades, excelling in sports)

18% (2 votes)

Setting up a trust fund for their future

36% (4 votes)

Matching their savings contributions to encourage good financial habits

9% (1 vote)

Teaching them about philanthropy by donating a portion of the gift to charity

0% (0 votes)

Total votes: 11

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