Sandals South Coast takes on food security mission for Earth Day Loop Jamaica

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8 hrs ago – Updated

Earth Guardian and Sandals Foundation volunteer Sani Smith from Sandals South Coast was engrossed in the tree planting initiative in Beeston Spring, Westmoreland.

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As the Sandals Foundation continues its year-long food security mission in the Caribbean with its ‘Trees for Life’ campaign, volunteers from Sandals South Coast recently took to the hills of Beeston Spring to plant 50 food-bearing trees to provide a long-term supply for community members.

The team in observance of Earth Day, on April 22, planted fruits such as East Indian mango, St. Julian mango, assorted citrus, and avocado.

The volunteers shared that planting trees in the Beeston Spring community is a sustainable initiative from which both the old and young can benefit.

Persons wishing to support the tree planting efforts can visit the Sandals Foundation website at and donate to ‘Trees for Life’. One hundred per cent of all funds donated will be used to purchase seedlings and maintain the plant sites to ensure tree survival.

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