Vanished: 2-y-o goes missing from yard while having bath

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A High Alert has been activated for two-year-old Roshaun English of Red Ground in Old Harbour, St Catherine, who has been missing since Wednesday, June 26.

Roshaun is of dark complexion, slim build and is about 86 centimetres (two feet 10 inches) tall.

Reports from the Old Harbour police are that about 5pm, Roshawn was being given a bath in his yard when his mother went inside the house to fetch some items.

When she returned, Roshaun was not in the yard and all efforts to find him have failed.

Residents and the police have since searched the wider community, however, he has not been found.

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Roshaun English is asked to contact the Old Harbour police at 876-203-3659, police 119 emergency number or the nearest police station.

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