Hurricane Beryl leaves at least three dead in its wake in Grenada

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News
Dillon De Shong

47 minutes ago

Rubble-strewn streets of Hillsborough, Carriacou, reveal the devastation caused by Hurricane Beryl.

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The death toll in Grenada following the passage of Hurricane Beryl now stands at three.

In a national address on Tuesday morning, Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell reported two deaths on the island of Carriacou, which was directly impacted by Beryl yesterday as a strong category four storm.

One man was also killed in Grenada when a tree fell on his home.

“The possibility that there may be more fatalities remains are grim reality,” Mitchell stated.

Mitchell said Carriacou and Petit Martinique are completely devastated and officials are currently unable to use heavy equipment since fuel is in short supply due to the destruction of gas stations.

The scale of devastation has been compared to Hurricane Ivan, which ravaged Grenada in 2004.

Aid is expected to be shipped to Carriacou and Petit Martinique when sea conditions become safe.

Mitchell called for Grenadians to unite as they face a long journey of recovery from Beryl.

Hurricane Beryl is now heading towards Jamaica and is expected to bring life-threatening winds, heavy rainfall and storm surge to the island on Wednesday.

Based on the current official forecast track, the eye of Hurricane Beryl is expected to be south of Hispaniola on Tuesday afternoon and evening before it moves just southeast of Jamaica on Wednesday morning and then follows a path adjacent to the coastline throughout the rest of the day.

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