M&M supports rebuilding efforts in St Elizabeth

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

In the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, construction firm M&M Jamaica Limited is committing $6.5 million to assist families with their on the ground disaster recovery and general relief efforts especially in south St Elizabeth, one of the hardest hit regions in Jamaica, the company announced.

The financial support includes a $1.5 million payment to NEMS Hardware, $2.5 million to Williams Hardware and another $2.5 million committed to communities scattered across St Elizabeth.  The funds paid directly to hardware stores will help over 200 families with the greatest need.

Organisations/entities including the JDF, The Red Cross and USAID carried out a combined assessment of the worst hit areas and did a needs analysis to be able to determine in an equitable manner the beneficiaries of the M&M Jamaica driven support.  Beneficiaries will receive vouchers to take to the participating hardware store nearest them to purchase needed building materials. Vouchers given to respective families will be valued at either $30,000 or $40,000.

MP Franklin Whitter in conversation with M&M Limited’s senior project manager David Foster

Member of Parliament for South Eastern St Elizabeth Franklin Witter stated, “By now we all know that the destruction left behind in the wake of Hurricane Beryl is devastating and heartbreaking.  With the level of displacement so far-reaching we are pulling on as many willing partners for the people of St. Elizabeth to be able to have their lives restored.  When I contacted M&M Jamaica for help, there was an immediate ‘yes’ followed by their generous donation”.

Deputy Managing Director, Richard Mullings explained that “Our company strongly believes in our commitment to the communities we work in, our projects go beyond just pipelines and roadways, we take genuine interest in improving lives”. M&M Jamaica Limited recently completed a major agricultural irrigation project in the Essex Valley area of South St Elizabeth, seeing the destruction caused by Hurricane Beryl, the company knew it had to support post hurricane restoration efforts in that parish.

M&M Jamaica’s connection to the community is not limited to its construction projects, the company was founded by Donald and Winnifred Mullings natives of St. Elizabeth, as a team they have supported multiple outreach initiatives in the parish over many years.  He expressed “We are hopeful that this assistance will help with ongoing rebuilding, strengthen community spirit as people bond together to assist each other, sharing the skills and time needed to repair houses, workspaces, farms, shops and other essential facilities in ruin as well as bring some relief to those who are suffering”. 

“We literally saw the water rising in our house, and the roof lifting piece by piece. When the whole roof went, I realised my family wasn’t going to be normal for quite some time.   We are so thankful for the building material; it almost feels as if we are getting our lives back”,

Glandeen Ebanks shared as she collected her building material from NEMS Hardware.