Trade Union Confederation calls for more inclusive workspaces Loop Jamaica

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

The Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions (JCTU) is calling for a more inclusive working environment where individuals with various skills and abilities, including the disabled community, can contribute.

President of the JCTU, St Patrice Ennis, who made the call while addressing the recent Workers’ Week 2024 Expo at Emancipation Park in St Andrew, said that creating inclusive spaces is a moral imperative and is important for social and economic prosperity.

He said the confederation believes that the nation’s strength lies in the talents of all Jamaicans from diverse backgrounds and with various abilities.

“By leveraging the skills of every employee, including those with impairments, we create a workforce that is more innovative, efficient and competitive. Workforces that embrace inclusivity have happier employees, lower turnover rates, and increased productivity,” the JCTU President said.    He added that by “valuing and treating employees as legitimate partners”, workers are empowered to reach their full potential and contribute to the country’s progress.

Ennis said achieving the vision of inclusivity in the workplace requires collaboration and a culture of respect and understanding. All partners must create and enforce policies that protect workers’ rights and support those facing employment barriers, he added.

“Educational institutions must equip students with skills to thrive in an inclusive workforce. We must advocate for the rights and inclusion of every worker, recognising that our diversity is our strength,” he stressed.