JPS says its equipped to restore power after Hurricane Beryl

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

The Jamaica Public Service Company (JPS) is adequately equipped to restore  power in the event of outages due to the passage of Hurricane Beryl.

This assurance was given by Director, Business Continuity, Roger Kennedy.

Kennedy said all of the company’s hurricane systems have been tested.

“We are in a high state of readiness for Hurricane Beryl. We have had our simulations and drills conducted prior, as is mandated at the start of a hurricane season. 

“We are through with that and we believe we have adequate supply of materials for restoration after the hurricane,” he indicated. 

Kennedy said based on the hurricane’s track there will need to be “some pre-positioning of materials, especially along south coast parishes, and we are prepared for that.”

“Our staff are already trained in their hurricane roles and at JPS, all staff… know what they are supposed to do, and they are assigned a role,” he pointed out.

He said third party contractors will be critical to the restoration process.

“Our third-party contractors also are sensitised. They are vital in our restoration efforts after a hurricane, and they will also be pre-positioned depending on where the hurricane strikes. 

“If we need to have more third-party resources along the south coast, in Clarendon, for example, Rocky Point… we will do so,” he informed.

Kennedy noted that natural gas will not be immediately available after the hurricane as the ship at Old Harbour Bay, which provides this fuel, will be moving out based on safety reasons.

“What we will do, though, is that the South Jamaica Power Centre (SJPC) located at Old Harbour, St Catherine, is dual fuel… so we will switch to automotive diesel while we do not have natural gas for that period,” he said.

He advised that natural gas supply will be available once the ship returns to the island. 

The JPS’ Central Emergency Operating Centre has been activated, consequent on the Meteorological Service of Jamaica issuing a hurricane warning for the country.

Kennedy said bushing will continue in critical areas, and bulletins are being disseminated regarding protocols for restoration after the hurricane as well as measures to be taken before and during the cyclone’s passage.