Men accused of stealing a motorcycle held in raid

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Several charges have been laid against two men and a teen following an incident in York District, Bethel Town in Westmoreland on Thursday, June 20.

The three have been charged with robbery with aggravation, possession of prohibited weapon and using a firearm to commit a felony.

Charged are: 26-year-old carpenter, Akeem Rose, otherwise called ‘Samson’, 23-year-old artist,

Navar Gayle, otherwise called ‘Artist’, and a 17-year-old boy. All three are from Ducketts district, Bethel Town in the parish of Westmoreland.

Reports are that about 9:30 p.m., the complainant rode his motorcycle home and was approached by two men, one armed with a handgun. It is alleged that the gunman pointed the gun at the complainant’s chest and demanded the motorcycle.

The armed man then dragged the complainant from his motorcycle, after which, the gunman’s accomplice mounted the motorcycle and rode off.

The armed robber then got on another motorcycle that was parked close by and escaped.

On Sunday, June 23, a raid was carried out at the home of the accused men where the motorcycle was found.

They were arrested and subsequently charged on Thursday, June 27. Preparations for their court date are underway.