PAJ alarmed at threats against TVJ journalist Giovanni Dennis Loop Jamaica

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The Press Association of Jamaica (PAJ) has expressed alarm at what it has described as widespread threats and abuse against TVJ journalist Giovanni Dennis since his recent special report highlighting illegal drag racing in Jamaica.

According to a statement from PAJ President Milton Walker on Tuesday night, the attacks have come since part one of his report aired on June 9 about the illegal activity in TVJ’s Prime Time News. 

“The PAJ condemns the response to the story and views it as an attack on press freedom.

“Journalists/reporters must be allowed to do their work free from fear and intimidation from whatever source,” Walker said. 

The PAJ said the matter has been reported to the police and escalated to the Cyber Crimes Unit of the Jamaica Constabulary Force.

“We urge the police to do all in their power to investigate these threats and deal with the culprits involved,” Walker said. 

At the same time, the PAJ is urging journalists islandwide to be firm and resolute in their pursuit of stories and not to be intimidated by anyone.  

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