Taxi operator charged with housebreaking and larceny Loop Jamaica

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4 hrs ago

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Forty-nine-year-old Franklyn Livingstone, a taxi operator of East Road, St Andrew, has been charged with housebreaking and larceny following an incident that occurred on Verona Drive in Silver Sun Estate, St Catherine on Wednesday, May 25.

Reports from the Spanish Town police are that about 12pm, a man securely locked up his house and left for work.

When he returned, he discovered that culprits had forced the front door lock open and entered the house. A 32-inch Samsung television valued at $33,000 and a TLC television, also valued at $33,000, were missing.

Livingstone was subsequently apprehended, and was charged after an interview with investigators on Thursday, May 30.

His court date is being finalised.

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