Volunteers in St Ann participated in several Labour Day activities Loop Jamaica

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Residents of St Ann were out in their numbers as volunteers to undertake projects on Labour Day under the theme, ‘Ramp up the access… Show that you care’.

With a primary focus on people with disabilities, the elderly and the vulnerable, volunteers engaged in projects at schools, rehabilitation of homes, painting of health facilities, and other community-related activities.

In St Ann and areas bordering St Mary and Clarendon, there were activities in  Ocho Rios, Labyrinth and Lime Hall, and in Borough Bridge, work commenced on a house for an elderly resident, Anthony Parkes.

“Rain affected the completion of the building, but we should get a lot closer to completion tomorrow (May 24),” explained St Ann’s Bay Mayor, Michael Belnavis.

 The mayor said he was very impressed with the spirit of volunteerism that was displayed by residents, who remained undeterred by the rain that fell throughout most of the day.

“Despite the rain, the people turned out in their numbers to participate in Labour Day activities. It was surely a great display of community spirit by all,” Belnavis told JIS News.

Councillor for the Borough Bridge Division, Marline Thompson Kenyon, said it was good to see so many residents showing up to assist in building a new home for Mr Parkes.

A grateful Parkes said he was appreciative of the gesture, “something I will never forget”.

Meanwhile, over in the Exchange Division, volunteers painted the main bus stop and also started rehabilitation work on the post office.

The start of work on a house for an elderly resident as part of the Labour Day Parish Project for St Ann on May 23.

“We got the bus stop painted, despite the rain, and have started work on the post office,” explained Councillor Ian Issacs.

 Elsewhere, the walkway ramp in front of Ocho Rios High School was given a facelift, and there were clean-up activities at the neighbouring Ocho Rios Primary.

 “Our volunteers did us proud, said Belnavis, who is also Chairman of Ocho Rios Primary.

Meanwhile, Labyrinth Primary School in St Mary received a much-needed facelift, thanks to the more than 50 team members from Beaches Ocho Rios, Sandals Upton Estate Golf & Country Club, and Sandals Ochi, in addition to community residents and representatives of the parent-teacher association.

The volunteers power washed certain areas, mowed the large lawn, painted the school’s facade, and painted motivational murals on the walls for the children.

Volunteers from Sandals resorts as well as from the Labyrinth community in St Mary, out in their numbers to participate in Labour Day activities on May 23.

“We are privileged to have Beaches Ocho Rios, Sandals Ochi and the landscaping team from Sandals Golf Course at Labyrinth Primary School for their Labour Day project,” Principal Uvelyn Barrett-Rose said.

“It was, indeed, heartwarming to see how much work was done. It was a pleasure to see how the staff, parents and community members worked as a team to get the job done.  I wish that the cohesiveness shown today is something that every community could experience as we live together in harmony, not only for one day, but every day,” he said.

In Portland, community members were seen hard at work on two key projects — building a ramp at the Portland Infirmary, and renovating the community centre in Poinciana Park, Fairy Hill.