Farmers urged to download RADA app to monitor weather amid drought Loop Jamaica

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Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining Floyd Green speaking during a post-Cabinet press briefing on April 24 at Jamaica House. (Photo: JIS)

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Local farmers are being urged to download the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) app to stay alert on the current weather conditions. 

Farmers in St Elizabeth, Manchester, Clarendon, Trelawny, Westmoreland, St Ann, and Portland are all currently being significantly affected by the ongoing drought conditions.

At the post-Cabinet press briefing last week, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining, Floyd Green, said the ministry is working with farmers to ensure that they receive updates from the Meteorological Service of Jamaica.

“If you have the capacity, download the RADA app so that we can help guide you, not only in relation to what is happening on the rainfall side, but also in relation to your integrated pest management,” Green advised.

“We know we do see some increases of certain type of pests during this time period, and it is important that our farmers are paying attention to that,” said the minister.

Launched on November 24, 2023, the RADA app also offers a variety of other features, including options for users to request farm visits from RADA extension officers, report issues being experienced on farms, and document farm information.

Meanwhile, Green encouraged farmers to take drought management seriously, and to employ other strategies like soil mulching and planting drought-tolerant crops.

He also urged them to carry out other practices, including timely harvesting of crops; implementing land husbandry treatments; planting cover crops; and minimum soil tillage. 

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