Reach out and help the vulnerable on Labour Day Loop Jamaica

The content originally appeared on: Jamaica News Loop News

Jamaicans are being encouraged to show love and touch the lives of persons who need attention and care, on Labour Day.

Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Olivia Grange, made the appeal at a Jamaica Information Service (JIS) Think Tank, held on May 16 at the agency’s head office in Kingston.

Labour Day 2024 will be observed on Thursday, May 23, under the theme ‘Ramp up the access… Show that you care’, with a focus on people with disabilities, the elderly and the vulnerable.

“I want to encourage Jamaicans to get on board, to help your neighbour, to help particularly the shut-ins, the seniors, persons who have physical disabilities and persons who have intellectual disabilities,” the Minister said.

Grange said that persons can assist the shut-ins and persons with disabilities by cleaning their homes, delivering food to them and doing their laundry.

She mentioned other services that could be offered to the vulnerable, such as manicure, pedicure, massages or by taking them out for a walk.

“It is important to make them feel that they are not alone, and so even to just sit and talk with them, it is important. So, every individual can play their part on that day; just to reach out and touch someone,” she added.

Explaining the rationale for emphasis on persons with disabilities and the vulnerable, Minister Grange said there are concerns about the lack of access for persons with disabilities, as well as the elderly, “to services and to participate equally in socially valued goods, opportunities, resources and rewards”.

“If persons cannot access building or public spaces, as well as social and financial benefits, then their rights to association, to expression and equality are being negatively impacted,” she said.

Minister Grange pointed out that Jamaica’s Disability Inclusion Act of 2014 requires that community facilities be accessible to everyone.

“So, we decided this year that we would focus on accessibility for all, particularly those with disabilities, our seniors and the vulnerable and that their access will be to physical facilities as well as to services,” she added.

The Institute of Jamaica (IOJ), located in downtown Kingston, is the 2024 National Labour Day Project. Activities will focus on the building of a ramp and preparations for the installation of an elevator to enhance access to the institute’s cultural and heritage resources.

Meanwhile, Minister Grange is urging persons to register their projects via the JIS website,, or contact the Labour Day Secretariat by email, [email protected]. Persons can also call the Secretariat at 876-398-4880 to register their projects and to seek additional information.