WATCH: Residents in Cooreville Gardens cry foul as sewage floods area Loop Jamaica

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Loop News

19 hrs ago

Residents raise concern over sewage problem in Cooreville Gardens

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Residents in Coorreville Gardens, St Andrew  are calling on the National Water Commision (NWC) to visit their community to repair a broken pipe that has been releasing sewage close to their homes.

Residents said a team came to repair a pipe in the area and after the workers left things have gone down hill.

“As a result of this problem we are making a despeate appeal for the matter to be addressed,” said one man who lives in the area.

“The situation has reached a point where the stench of sewage is making our lives miserable,” the resident said.

“I am the owner of a small business in the area and because of the situation I am losing customers,” said one resident from the area.

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